Words that Start with the Letter R for Preschool and Kindergarten

Words that Start with the Letter R for Preschool and Kindergarten

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Are you looking for words to teach the letters of the alphabet?

After teaching the Letter of the Week, now you can begin to practice teaching your child r words.

First, teach your child the letter r sound.

Many people do not say the r sound correctly, saying "r" in rabbit.

Actually, the correct letter sound is "er".

When it comes to teaching little ones their ABCs, there are a lot of different ways to go about it. Some parents and educators prefer to focus on one letter at a time, while others like to mix things up and cover multiple letters in each sitting. If you're looking for a fun and educational activity to help your child learn their letters, why not try focusing on words that start with the letter R?

There are plenty of great words that start with R for your little one to learn. For example, they can learn about common animals like rabbits and rats, or they can learn about tasty fruits like raspberries and strawberries. If you're looking for a few ideas to get you started, check out this list of words that start with the letter R:

- Rabbit

- Rat

- Rhino

- Rooster

- Rose

- Rug

- Ruler

As your child learns more about each word, they can start to put them into sentences. For example, you can ask them to tell you what a rabbit says, or to describe how a rose smells. This is a great way to help them expand their vocabulary and start to understand how words are used in context.

So why not give it a try? Focus on words that start with the letter R the next time you're teaching your child their ABCs. You might be surprised at how much they learn!

Use these letter r worksheets to practice r words.

Here are a list of words that begin with the letter r.

Letter r sight words:




More letter r words for preschool:





Letter r words for kindergarten:



Letter r words for first grade:









Remember to only focus on 1 or 2 words for young children.

If you're looking for some fun, educational activities for your preschooler, why not introduce them to some "r" words? Here are a few examples to get you started:

1. Read aloud together. Choose a book with lots of "r" words and take turns reading each page. As you read, point out all of the "r" words you see.

2. Make a list of "r" words. Write down as many "r" words as you can think of, then challenge your preschooler to add to the list.

3. Play a game of "I Spy." Take turns looking around the room and choosing an object that starts with "r." Then see if your preschooler can guess what it is.

4. Practice writing "r" words. Help your preschooler trace the letter "r" and then write it on their own. Then have them practice spelling some simple "r" words, like "red" or "run


5. Have a "r" word scavenger hunt. Hide some small objects around the house or outside and give your preschooler a list of "r" words. See if they can find all of the hidden objects by the end of the game.

6. Sort "r" words. Write down a bunch of different "r" words on some small slips of paper. Then have your preschooler sort the words into categories, like animals, food, objects, etc.

7. Make "r" words with playdough. Show your preschooler how to make different letters out of playdough. Then see if they can make their own "r" words.

8. Sing some "r" songs. There are lots of great songs out there that focus on the letter "r." Put on a favorite CD or look up some songs online and sing along together.

9. Do some "r" crafts. There are tons of fun crafts that you can do with your preschooler that focus on the letter "r." You can find some great ideas online or in your local library.

10. Play some "r" games. There are lots of fun games that you can play with your preschooler to help them learn more about the letter "r." Try a simple board game or an online game for starters.

By introducing your preschooler to some fun "r" words, you can help them learn more about this important letter. Have fun exploring all the different ways that you can use "r" words with your little one!

More letter r ideas to practice r words for younger children:

USe the word list to make flash cards for the r words

Use the letter r words to make a spelling list for older children.

If you are using a letter of the week curriculum, practice spelling a few days.

More letter r activities:

Use playdoh to make words that begin with the letter r

Make a little book with letter r words

Find letter r songs

Learn each letter of the alphabet with these fun printable activities.
